Your Partner, Your Team

The Health Systems Sciences team not only provides certification services, but is a committed partner, providing solutions that are best suited to fit your facility and operations. HSS field technicians are CETA certified and work closely with HSS engineers and industrial hygienists to provide the expertise needed for advanced solutions. Health Systems Sciences provides a CETA certified technician on site for every certification event to ensure quality testing, as well as the safety of your staff and patients.

Partnering with Health Systems Sciences allows you to utilize CETA certified technicians, professional engineers, and industrial hygiene experts. Having a seasoned team with a range of different expertise allows HSS to assist in troubleshooting facility systems and develop effective solutions.

Pricing Transparency

Health Systems Sciences prides itself on pricing transparency. Sampling is one example of how inclusive pricing benefits HSS customers. Health Systems Sciences technicians automatically test down to the Genes level if any CFUs are detected. With that being included with no extra charge or discussion needed, HSS can get the results back faster and create a plan of action that prevents any unnecessary down time. No hidden extras or fees to slow the process or the implementation of an effective solution.


Preventing Downtime & Keeping Occupants Safe

Health Systems Sciences can help you reduce preventable down time through proactive services and solutions. HSS technicians arrive on site prepared with extra filters or parts that may need to be changed during inspections and testing. HSS CETA technicians, engineers, industrial hygienist work with building engineers to problem solve and find solutions. Ultimately that helps keep your facility up and running and allows you to do what you do best, keep your staff and occupants safe!